Migrating a WordPress website to HTTPS

In January of this year the amount of traffic passing through Firefox to HTTPS sites finally surpassed HTTP https://letsencrypt.org/stats/ However…

Will Cecil

Python Web Scraping Tutorial For Beginners

Introduction to web scraping In a ideal world you wouldn't need to scrape the web, but the world is far…

Will Cecil

Upload a Big CSV file into Big Query

Big query is a really good, cheap, quick (insert superlative) platform to query and visualise data. It has a simple…

Will Cecil

Brighton SEO Twitter Bot – Lessons Learn’t

This year while brainstorming what I should talk about in my BrightonSEO I came up with the marvellous idea of creating…

Will Cecil

Join a list to a string in Python

Lists are a great data structure but they're not always useful, for example when writing a database or if you're…

Will Cecil